December 02- 04, 2021 


DAY 1 : 02 DECEMBER 2021

16.40 Opening Address – Belema Obuoforibo & Mukesh Butani (5 minutes)
16.45 Official Welcome – Porus Kaka (20 Minutes)
17.05 Keynote Speech: The international Tax Landscape over the past 25 years – An Indian Perspective – Hon. Justice A.K. Sikri (20 minutes)
Session 1:
Recent Developments in International Taxations
17.25 Presentation: by Pascal Saint-Amans (20 minutes)

Panel Discussion: Porus Kaka (Chair of the Session)

Pascal Saint-Amans, Shikha Gupta, Rasmi Ranjan Das,
and H. David Rosenbloom
(55 minutes)

Session 2:
Tax Treaties – Treaty Entitlement and PE Issues
18.40 Panel Discussion: Prof. Philip Baker (Chair of the Session)
Dinesh Kanabar, Pramod Kumar, Dr. Amar Mehta, and Dhruv Sanghavi (75 minutes)
Principal purpose test – implications for transaction structuring by MNCs
Permanent Establishment: recent developments from an Indian perspective
Concluding Remarks
19.55 Mukesh Butani (5 minutes)
20.00 Day Close

DAY 2 : 3 DECEMBER 2021

Opening Address
17.00 Belema Obuoforiba (5 Minutes)
17.05 Keynote Speech: The International Tax Landscape Over the Past 25 years –
a Global Perspective – Prof. Dr. Stef van Weeghel (20 minutes)
Session 1: Tax treaties – Issues Concerning Cross-border Payments (Dividends, Software, and FTS)
17.25 Panel Discussion: Nishith Desai (Chair of the Session)
Patricia Brown, Na Li, Himanshu Parekh, and Aravind Srivatsan
(75 minutes)
  Beneficial ownership – issues and nuances.
Software income characterization – developments in India and
elsewhere, including AustraliaRevived significance of Article 10 in the Indian context
Indian Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT): does the withholding tax
rate in Article 10 apply?

Fees for Technical Services – Latest Controversies

Session 2:
GAAR – Global Experience in Indian Context
Panel Discussion Mukesh Butani (Chair of the session)
18.40 Sarah Blakelock, Prof. Craig Elliffe, Prof. Judith Freedman, TP Ostwal,
Prof. Dr. Pasquale Pistone, and Rajesh Ramloll
(75 minutes)
GAAR versus the US anti-avoidance doctrines
Role of judicial GAAR precedents for the interpretation of statutory GAAR
Can GAAR apply in the case of tax benefits offered by the domestic tax law?
Can the GAAR in the domestic tax law apply in a tax treaty situation?
Who bears the burden of proof?
Concluding Remarks
19.55 Mukesh Butani (5 minutes)
20.00 Day Close

DAY 3 : 4 DECEMBER, 2021

Opening Address
17.00 Mukesh Butani (5 minutes)
Session 1: Pillar One – Selected Issues
17.05 Panel Discussion: Belema Obuoforibo (Chair of the Session)
Grace Perez Navarro, Rajat Bansal, Mathew Gbonjubola,
and Ridha Hamzaoui (70 minutes)
The road to implementation – challenges and prospects
A proposed Multilateral Convention for Amount A – possible
implementation challenges
Holding out on Pillar 1 – Countries outside the tent – Consequences
for the global tax landscape
Article 12B of the UN Model Tax Convention – its place in the
emerging global order
Session 2:
18.15 Panel Discussion: Ola Ostaszewska (Chair of the Session)
Prof. Dr. Vikram Chand, Akhilesh Ranjan, Gary Sprague, and Parul Jain (70 minutes)Developments so far (in a nutshell) and outcome possibilities
Global minimum corporate tax rate (15%) – is it a realistic goal?

Would pillar two developments stabilize international tax systems
and facilitate tax certainty for taxpayers and tax administrations?

Issues and nuances related to pillar two [e.g.: income inclusion rule
(IIR), switchover rule (SoR), GloBE rules/process, etc.]

Any other related aspects/issues

Session 3:
19.25 Panel Discussion: Kunj Vaidya (Chair of the Session)
Bhaskar Goswami *, Manoj Pardasani, Raffaele Petruzzi, Miller
Williams, and Emily Muyaa
(85 minutes)
Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs): experience in India and
Can a foreign associated enterprise (AE) be selected as a tested
Excess credit period – can it be separated from the main (sale/
service) transaction?
Turnover filter: experience in India and other jurisdictions. Profit split method: global experience.
Concluding Remarks
20.50 Belema Obuoforibo & Mukesh Butani (5 minutes)
20.55 End of Conference